Today I went to have a lunch with my sweet family.
My mom just got the ikki voucher which means we can eat for free
We got two vouchers but we had have three people and ikki still offered three drinks for us.
The service of ikki restaurant is really awsome, they would almost kneel next to you to get an order.
They have eight meals in one set.
You can choose salad and main course from five choices.
I was impressed by the unique flavor of mash potatos.
The prices are totally affortable and the enviroment is prefect for party of family.
I would like to visit ikki again.
the restaurant address is
▍台北衡陽店 | 台北市中正區衡陽路52號 (近博愛路) | 02-2331-0200 |
▍台北中山北店 | 台北市中山區中山北路二段185號2樓 | 02-2598-8780 |
▍台北敦化北店 | 台北市松山區敦化北路 207 號B1(民生東路口) | 02-2719-1927 |
▍板橋麗寶店 | 新北市板橋區縣民大道二段3號6樓 (麗寶百貨) 因Google地圖定位偏差,正確地圖位置請搜尋「藝奇板橋麗寶店」,正確地址請以「新北市板橋區縣民大道二段3號6樓」為準。 |
02-2272-1122 |
▍永和中山店 | 新北市永和區中山路一段238號5樓(比漾廣場) | 02-8231-5152 |
Make sure you make a booking before you visit the restaurant.